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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(3); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(3): 435-443.
피부관리실의 관계마케팅 요인이 고객만족과 관계몰입 및 관계성과에 미치는 영향
남향숙, 성현선
Effect of Relationship Marketing Factors at Skin Care Shops on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Commitment and The Relationship Performance
Hyang-Sook Nam, Hyeon-Seon Seong
Today, skin care business is more interested in marketing methods how to maintain long-term relationships with customers such as relationship marketing in order to survive and generate revenue along with fierce competition in customer acquisition between companies. Therefore, this study evaluates the effect of variables incurred by grafting the relationship marketing to skin care business. In this study, 500 customers who are taking skin care in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas selected for the survey, and performed statistical analysis 408 inquiries among 500 through SPSS/ WIN Version 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 program. While prices (=.219, t=3.668, p<.01) and physical facilities (=.442, t=5.644, p<.01), among the relationship marketing action factors, However, professionalism (=.122, t=1.587), communication (=.161, t=.395) and customer orientation (=.100, t=.585) did not have any meaningful effect on it statistically. Customer satisfaction very significantly affected customer commitment (=.833, t=10.918, p<.01), relationship orientation(=.334, t=3.655, p<.01) and customer loyalty (=.414, t=4.557, p<.01). Customer commitment affected relationship orientation (=.653, t=6.675, p<.01) and customer loyalty (=.575, t=6.111, p<.01) with statistical significance. Based on these results, the rate of customer satisfaction and the number of visitation will be up to increase skin care business profit, if the customer service improved by eliminating dissatisfaction factors through lower level close management and expand aggressive marketing activities to find out customers true desire.
Key words: Skin care, Relationship marketing, Customer satisfaction, Customer commitment, Relationship performance
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