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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(6); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(6): 767-772.
연재12. 지적 재산권
Series12. Intellectual Property
In Jae Lee
This paper examined the meaning, types, characteristics and limitation of copyright as a type of intellectual property which researchers had often faced in the process of presenting and publishing research results. Especially it is focused on some important contents of copyright which researchers must understand in view of research ethics. According to the Korean law of copyright, copyrights are exclusive rights granted by the law system that allow the authors of original works to make copies of the work, make other works derived from the original work, perform or display the work, and distribute, sell, or rent copies of the work. People who perform any of these actions without the permission of copyright holders violate copyrights. Original works include written works, such as books, papers, software, databases, and poems; performances, such as plays or dances; audiovisual recordings, such as movies, music, photographs, and televisions shows; and artistic works, such as paintings and sculpture. A work can be original without being new or novel because the author is the first person to put the work into tangible form. A copyright extends for the lifetime of the author(s) plus 70 years, and may be renewed. It’s very important that researchers should have correct knowledge of copyrights in order not to violate copyright in relation to research ethics. To this end, researchers must practice fair use in compatibly with fair practice within a reasonable limit.
Key words: Copyright, Intellectual property, Copyrighter holder, Infringement of copyright, Fair use, Original works, Literary (written) works
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