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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(6); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(6): 885-890.
우방자 추출물을 함유한 크림의 안면 피부 개선 효과
전효정, 김수연, 손지혜
The Effect of Cream Containing Arctii fructus Extracts on the Improvement of Facial Skin
Hyo-Jung Jun, Soo-Yeon Kim, Ji Hye Son
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of cream with Arctii fructus (A. fructus) extract, well-known for soothing, anti-oxidizing and anti-inflammatory effects, on the improvement of the melanin, wrinkle and moisture content on facial skins. A test is conducted with 8 females for 4 weeks. They were to apply cream with 4% A. fructus extract content on the left side of their face and cream with no A. fructus extract in the right, both twice a day, in the mornings and nights. Compared to before the usage of cream, a group who used cream with no A. fructus extract showed a very slight increase in the moisture content, worsening of the wrinkles and almost no change on melanin content on their faces after 4 weeks of test. For the group who used cream with A. fructus extract, the melanin and wrinkles both have decreased by 46.00% and 4.85%, respectively, after 4weeks of test. Also the moist content on their face has increased by 140.69%, indicating that there were some statistically significant changes found. This study proves that the A. fructus extract has a positive effect on the overall improvement of facial skin and it also implies that the A. fructus extract has high potential as an ingredient of cosmetic products.
Key words: Arctii fructus, Skin improvement, Pigmentation, Wrinkles, Moisturizing
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