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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(2); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(2): 147-155.
TV진행자의 메이크업과 헤어스타일링의 만족도가 직무수행에 미치는 심리적 효용성
The Psychological Effects and Satisfaction on the TV Presenter’s Make up and Hair Styling
Jinjung Ahn
The researchers studied that can play an important role to the psychological aspects broadcasting moderator. As well as help smooth aesthetic means of communication and broadcasting host as part of the broadcast Makeup. Artist broadcast production also affects the duties of the coordinator broadcasts. This study was to validate the reliability and psychological and social factors. The perception of the broadcast of the broadcast presenter dressed studied that having a certain impact on job performance, satisfaction, and importance of make-up and hair styling were analyzed. Broadcast makeup and facilitator of broadcast were aware of the importance that requires professional make-up of hair styling, psychological factors and social factors than can show that the larger works. The comparison of the importance of broadcasting makeup and hair styling was no significant difference shown numerically higher duties or the greater the satisfaction of hair styling. We recognize that the two components of the hair styling make-up is important can show that make-up must be harmonized with the hair styling.
Key words: Broadcasting makeup, Makeup awareness, Makeup satisfaction, Social and psychological effects of makeup
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