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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(2); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(2): 221-228.
미용실의 사회적 책임활동에 따른 브랜드이미지가 브랜드신뢰와 고객만족 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
서예지, 박은준
The Effect of Brand Image According to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention
Ye-Ji Suh, Eun-Jun Park
With the expansion of corporate influence on society, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been drawing more needs and attention. It is not easy to maximize profit pursuit, the fundamental goal of business, through social responsibility. For the reason, the CSR had not been recognized as a main management strategy. Accordingly, this study tried to investigate how the brand images based on corporate social responsibility would influence customer reliability and satisfaction and their revisit intention. This study came to the following results: First, the demographic characteristics of the consumers who experienced beauty shops were investigated. Secondly, according to the factor analysis on brand images and brand reliability, two factors were drawn in each one of them. Thirdly, according to the influence of the brand images based on corporate social responsibility on brand reliability, the higher a brand image was, the higher brand reliability became. Fourthly, according to the influence of the brand images based on corporate social responsibility on customer satisfaction and their revisit intention, the higher a brand image was, the higher customer satisfaction and revisit intention were. Given the results, it was found that the brand images based on the social responsibility that beauty shops took positively influenced customer satisfaction and revisit intention. Therefore, it is considered that beauty shops need to have good brand images through their corporate social responsibility in order to improve customer service and attract more customers.
Key words: CRS, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction, Revisit Intention
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