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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(3); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(3): 367-375.
탈모여부별 우울감이 일상생활 스트레스에 미치는 영향
이승미, 정연자
A Study on Depression Caused by Hair Loss on Daily Life Stress
Seung-Mi Iee, Yeon-Ja Jung
To figure out the effects of depression caused by hair loss on daily life stress against those in their 20-60 s living in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi area, the respondents’ depression conditions and their daily life stress were investigated using a self-administered questionnaire. According to regression analysis on the effects of depression in both hair loss group and non-hair loss group on daily life stress, depression had a significant effect on daily life stress (p<.001). In a hair loss group, as unstable psychological state and pathological symptom occurrence rates increased, there was a positive effect on daily life stress (p<.001). In a non-hair loss group, as reliability on their own ability decreased, and unstable psychological state and pathological symptom occurrence rates increased, a positive effect on daily life stress was found (p<.001). In analysis on the effects of between-group depression on daily life stress, a hair loss group (r²=0.790, r²=0.326) was more correlated than a non-hair loss group (r²=0.773, r²=0.296) in terms of interpersonal relationship stress and health stress, which means that depression in a hair-loss group has a high positive effect on daily life stress. It is expected that the study results would be helpful in the improvement and development of hair loss management and treatment programs as basic data on social and psychological characteristics that people can experience during their hair loss.
Key words: Alopecia, Interpersonal relations, Stress, Depressive state, Daily life
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