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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 4(2); 2006 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2006;4(2): 183-194.
現代 아트 메이크업의 繪畵的 傾向과 技法에 관한 硏究
A Study on the Pictorial Trend and Techniques of Modern Art Make-up
Hee-Young Roh
The concept or value of beauty is not permanent, but changes and recycles according to social practices and fashions. Thus, the value of beauty undergoes indefinite alteration depending on the society. Modern art make-up has been settled as a branch of art that reshapes human bodies using particular pictorial techniques. Influenced by the art trends such as deconstructivism or post modernism, art make-up, which design human bodies, has been recognized as a geometrical art form of modern art make-up. In the present society, several areas of make-up that express the images inside human beings, such as beauty make-up and art make-up, are forming a new type of popular art. Though it has a disadvantage of temporality, art make-up, realistic rather than standstill, can produce even abstract works, be preserved in the form of visual media conveying its impression for a long time. Existing art make-up has attempted to display one's body artistically beautified by creating gaudy or intellectual images through artificial painting and design. Now make-up is being put on as a means of decoration beyond the expression of beauty, a means of dynamic visual representation of the sense of unity and uniformity. Such decoration will be applied to social changes and demands rather than the instinct of human beings. Over time in the future, modern society will conform to the necessity of art make-up, and will recognize its novel and fresh value. In addition, it is necessary to develop various materials and design techniques for art make-up, and to produce art make-up works and academic research results.
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