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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(4); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(4): 477-482.
Image J 프로그램을 사용한 모공측정 및 노화도의 새로운 정량분석법 개발과 화장품 인체적용시험에의 활용
차화준, 권승빈, 김지현, 김수경, 안인숙, 안성관
Development of a Novel Quantitative Evaluation Method for Skin Pore Areas and Aging Degrees Using the Image J and It Application for Clinical Studies
Hwa Jun Cha, Seungbin Kwon, Jihyun Kim, Sookyung Kim, In-Sook An, Sungkwan An
Sebum is emitted by skin pores, the openings of sebaceous glands. Skin pore size increases due to excessive sebum emission and decreased skin elasticity caused by aging. These larger skin pores result in cosmetic problems. Therefore, methods to regulate skin pore size were examined. Additionally, effective methods for measurement of skin pores are also needed. In the present study, we developed a novel quantitative method for evaluation of skin pore area and degree of aging using the Image J software. First, we evaluated the pixel size of skin pores following the application of pore-tightening cream to the skin using the Cosmetic Full-Face Photography System, which is used to measure skin pore size, as well as a novel system that combines both microscopy and Image J analysis. In both the Cosmetic Full-Face Photography System and the novel system, skin pore size decreased following application of pore-tightening cream; however, the novel skin pore detection system effectively determined the decreases in skin pore size. Additionally, the degree of aging of skin pores was determined using Feret’s diameter. Thus, we suggest that this novel skin pore-detection system can be utilized as a substitute for the existing skin pore-detection method.
Key words: Image J, Skin pore, Aging, Quantitative evaluation, Clinical study
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