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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(4); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(4): 517-526.
30-40대 남성의 생활습관과 피부관리 행동이 화장품 구매형태에 미치는 영향
임선형, 김성희
30-40 Men’s Lifestyle and Skin Care Act influence of the Cosmetic Purchase Form
Sun-Hyung Lim, Sung-Hee Kim
This study conducted a survey of men in 30s-40s to discuss how the everyday habits and skincare behaviors of men in 30s-40s affect their purchase of cosmetic products. The following summarizes the findings of this study: the most influential factors were the ‘financial properties’, followed by ‘essential properties’, ‘non-essential properties’, and ‘practical properties’. First, based on the demographics, there were significant differences in the financial properties and non-essential properties of purchase of cosmetic products by age, while there was a significant difference in the practical properties by education. Second, significant differences in the financial properties, essential properties, and non-essential properties of purchase of cosmetic products by exercise, but there was no significant difference in the practical properties. Third, there were significant differences in the financial properties, essential properties, and non-essential properties of purchase of cosmetic products by the use of exfoliator, use of mask, basic skincare routine, use of sunscreen, use of esthetician care, skincare concerns, skincare stress, and kind of cosmetic brand used, while there was a significant difference in the practical properties only by skin stress.
Key words: Lifestyle, Skin care, Buy cosmetics
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