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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(6); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(6): 805-812.
인진호 추출물의 항산화활성 및 항염효과
김정숙, 김금란
Anti-oxidative and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Artemisiae Capillaris Extract
Jung-Suk Kim, Kum-Lan Kim
This study was designed to evaluate the applicability as active ingredient in cosmeceutical products by examining a variety of physiological activities with the extract of Artemisiae Capillaris (AC). AC is a plant grown in Korea, which has been widely used as an oriental medicinal herb and folks remedy to treat jaundice, hepatitis and liver diseases. "Cosmeceuticals is a fusion of the terms "cosmetic" and "pharmaceutical". The cosmetic market for cosmeceutical products is growing at a faster rate. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of active ingredients in cosmetics are very important. The effects are closely related to anti-aging, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne etc. This experiment was to investigate anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect with a 80% ethanol extract from AC. To investigate antioxidant effect, we performed DPPH and ABT assay and evaluated the levels of total phenolics and flavonoids. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities significantly increased in a AC concentration-dependent manner. The measured total polyphenol content of AC was 419.7mg/g. In anti-inflammation experiment, AC demonstrated a strong anti-inflammatory activity that induced inhibition of NO and PGE2 production in the LPS-stimulated inflammatory response in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Based on the results in this study, the AC show that the possibilities of utilizing AC extracts as a functional active ingredient for anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation in cosmeceutical products and it could be developed as components of cosmetics.
Key words: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Artemisiae Capillaris Herba, Cosmeceutical
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