Checklist | > For Authors and Reviewers > Checklist |

- Manuscript followed the code of ethics established by Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology.
- Manuscript in MS Word (doc, docx) format.
- All authors have participated in and agreed with the content and work's conclusions.
- Sequence of title page, English abstract and keywords, main text, references, Korean title, abstract and keywords, Korean references, figures and figure legends. All pages were numbered consecutively, starting with the English abstract.
- Title page with the title of manuscript, list of all authors (name/ affiliation/ address. for a corresponding author, add telephone number/ fax number/ e-mail address).
- English abstract up to 250 words and Up to 5 keywords.
- Abstracts in both languages were written accurately and were composed of purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.
- All the legends and symbols in tables and figures were written in English.
- Figures were submitted as separate files in PPT, TIFF or JPEG format.
- References listed in proper formats. All references listed in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa.
- The number of references was limited to 30 for original articles, 100 for reviews.