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Article 1. Objectives and Interval

① Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology (AJBC) is a peer-reviewed research journal on beauty science, cosmetology, skin science and related fields and publishes original articles to contribute to academic and industrial development

② Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology (AJBC) is published four times a year : On March 30, June 30, September 30, December 30.

Article 2. Qualifications of author and Article Types

① Every researcher throughout the world can submit a manuscript if the manuscript is appropriate for the aim and scope of AJBC.

② Articles are classified as original articles or review articles. Review articles serve to introduce recent findings on important topics. After consulting with the Editorial Board members on the related subjects, the Editor-in-Chief can invite professionals to submit Review articles without refereeing.

③ Submitted manuscripts should follow the instructions (including Ethical Guidelines for Research and Publication) of the AJBC.

④ All manuscripts have not been previously published, accepted for publication, and being considered for publication elsewhere.

Article 3. Format

① The language used in the main text of AJBC is Korean, Chinese and English. But only English is allowed in English abstract, References, Tables, Figure.

② The order of the manuscript is Title page, English abstract, Main text, Acknowledgments (if necessary), References, Korean(or Chinese) abstract.

③ The title page should include the following: the title of the article, names of all authors and their current affiliations and the name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author, using an asterisk (*) after the name of the corresponding author.

④ Abstract should be no longer than 250 words and be organized into Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. 5 keywords should appear after the abstract.

⑤ Main text should be structured as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (if necessary), Conclusions. The total number of tables and figures should not exceed 8. Titles of tables and figures should be concise but descriptive.

⑥ Acknowledgments should appear after the main text and before the references if necessary. Individuals who assisted in the research may be acknowledged.

⑦ All the references should be cited in the main text and written in English. If a reference is not written in English, English translation is required.

Article 4. Charge and Submission

① When a manuscript is received, a peer review fee (KRW 100,000) must be paid in accordance with the procedures by the editorial board.

② The actual expenses required for publication shall be borne by the author, and the publication fee shall be paid in advance before publication after being reviewed suitable for publication. The publication fee shall be KRW 200,000 for up to 10 pages, and KRW 20,000 for each additional page.

③ Manuscript can be submitted anytime. After confirming the checklist, authors should send "Copyright Transfer Agreement", “Ethical Statement”, “Conflicts of Interest” and "manuscript" via an online manuscript submission system (http://submit.e-ajbc.org/).

Article 5. Copyrights

① The corresponding author must provide a signed copyright transfer agreement with the submission of a manuscript.

② Copyrights of all submitted manuscript, when published, are owned by Korea Institute of Dermatological Sciences. The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License available from: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ is also in effect.

Article 6. Review of Articles

① Acceptance of article in the AJBC is determined through rigorous peer-reviewing process. After Editor-in-Chief assigns an editor, the editor sends the article to two or more referees for peer-review. The assigned referees review the article and their review results are reported to the Editor-in-Chief. Finally, the Editor-in-Chief notifies review results to the corresponding author(s).

② If there is any objection to the review results, corresponding authors can appeal within 10 days after being notified. The Editor-in-Chief has the obligation to notify the results after one more review.

③ Details about the review follow the review policy of the AJBC.

Article 7. Ethical Guidelines for Research and Publication

① Submitted manuscripts are screened for possible falsification, fabrication, plagiarism or duplicate publication. If falsification, fabrication, plagiarism or duplicate publication related to the manuscripts of this journal is detected, the manuscripts may be rejected, and besides submission of every author will be prohibited for 2 years.

② The AJBC checks plagiarism, copying text or results from other sources by using CrossCheck.

③ Duplicate research data is prohibited and plagiarized sentences (more than 8 words) can be requested for correction or refuse to submited manuscript.

④ Details about the ethical guidelines for research and publication follow the ethical guidelines of the AJBC.

Article 8. Galley Proofs

In principle, the proofreading should be done by the authors. The authors are not allowed to modify the text while checking the galley proofs.

Article 9. Contact

Corresponding author(s) can contact the AJBC staff (e-mail address: ajbc.edit@e-ajbc.org) for more information about submission, review and publication.


These guidelines were enacted on October 1, 2004.

These guidelines were revised on January 1, 2016.

These guidelines were revised on April 1, 2019.

These guidelines were revised on April 1, 2023.

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