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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 4(2); 2006 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2006;4(2): 1-10.
피부측정기구를 이용한 피부표면상태의 비교측정
Comparison of State of Skin Surface using skin Instrumental Measurements
Eun Young Choi
The water content of the stratum corneum and skin surface lipids are important factors in the appearance and function of the skin. The flexibility of surface layer of skin is largely dependent upon the layer's water content. This, in turn, depends primarily on the quantity of water soluble hygroscopic and surface active materials within the stratum corneum, often known as the natural moisturizing factors(NMF). The aim of our study was to examine using objective parmeters. A total of 123 students were included in this study. We used the Corneometer CM 820(Corage+ Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) and the Sebumeter SM 810(Courage+Khazaka Electronic GmbH) as noninvasive measuring methods. Measurements were performed under standardized condition, that is, a room temperature of 18~2 3℃ and a humidity level of 50%. The measurements were always performed by the same investigator. The subject people are mainly women who are in the 20s or 30s, and the collection of the data were immediately collected after the questionary sheets were distributed after confirming the condition of the skin while the researcher directly meets the subject people. The method of analyzing the data was electronically handled using SAS PC program, and the result was the analysis about the secretion of the sebum with the type of the skin of the subject. The skin measurement in accordance with the constitutional types and the conscious skin types were identical, which has a significant meaning to present the condition of hydration.
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