Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(2): 227-235. |
스톤테라피가 민감성 안면피부에 미치는 영향 |
윤지민, 황완균 |
The Effects of Stone Therapy upon the Sensitive Facial Skin |
Ji-Min Youn, Wan-Kyun Whang |
The purpose of this study is to scientifically examine the influence of stone therapy upon sensitive facial skin.
The stone therapy have received attention as a facial treatment for sensitive skin but the effectiveness of stone
therapy is unconfirmed. In this study, we did two experiments of the 120 employees who were working for
Samsung electronics, Samsung semiconductor, and we selected 7 persons among them who were considered
as sensitive facial skin. In a clinical testing, we carried out the stone therapy for these 7 persons twice a week
for 4 weeks. As a result, the skin temperature, moisture, oil and elasticity of 7 participants were improved
overall as the stone therapy proceeded. Therefore, stone therapy seemed to be effective as a facial treatment
for the sensitive skin. This study shows that stone therapy can be a effective measure for sensitive skin instead
of meridian massage or massage using machine no longer valid. |
Key words:
Stone therapy, Sensitive skin, Temperature, Moisture·oil, Elasticity |