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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(2); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(2): 267-271.
미니멀리즘 특징에 보여지는 매니쉬 헤어스타일 경향
최은경, 김주섭
The Trend of Manish Hair Style in Aspect of Features of Minimalism
Eun-Kyung Choi, Ju-Sub Kim
This study tries to focus on concept and characteristics of minimalism and furthermore analyze fashion, building, sculptures based on it while studying the minimalism which becomes the powerful trend for hair style of 21th century through sculptures, construction and fashion based on their mutual organic relationship. It has searched for documents, studies and internet sites to know art trend and hair style of mass media. Why the minimalism which can be considered to be the top of beauty of simpleness, becomes the center of modern art is primarily because the desire of escaping from reality gets higher as the society becomes complex. We has concluded that the minimalism in sculptures has resisted the art of previous era as producing 3 dimensional object with its industrial materials while it excludes ornament ultimately in construction and it regarded the practical, the functional, the simple and no ornament as beauty of art. The minimalism in fashion, which is represented by mini skirt has pursued for simple and moderate line without ornament and shows the simpleness by tightening style or no ornament. The minimalism in hair style has been expressed in minimal bob style and manish short cut.
Key words: Minimalism, Hair style, Trend, Manish, Bob
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