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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(2); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(2): 353-359.
미용 교육기관 현황 조사 및 미용 교·강사, 헤어샵과 피부샵 종사자들의 최초·재교육 시 교육기관 활용도 연구
김여정, 리순화
A Study on the Current Status of the Beauty Educational Institution and the Utilization by the Current Beauty Artists’ First Education and Reeducation by Beauty Artists and Workers at Beauty Shops and the Skin Care Centers
Yu-Jung Kim, Shunhua Li
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the beauty educational institution and beauty curriculums, which based on the existing data. As a result, it was found that the beauty educational institutions are such as Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Republic of Korea, Seoul which can receive educational support, schools for paid private education and support scholarships, and private institutions for paid private education and learning program supported by Ministry of Employment and Labor. The survey compared beauty artists, workers at beauty shops and workers at the skin care centers among the 193 current beauty artists about the utilization of the educational institution of the first education and reeducation. As a result, the utilization of private institution was the highest with 52.8% at the first education, their burden on education fees in carrying it out was the highest with 38.9% in factors of difficulties and the utilization of the company at reeducation was the highest with 30.1%. In the study of the awareness about the beauty educational institution, ‘private educational institution’ was the highest with 28.5% and Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Republic of Korea was the lowest in the survey. The survey about ‘The necessity of information about beauty educational institutions’ was the highest with 84.4% of those questioned were ‘necessary’. For the vitalization of educational support and reducing the burden of educational fee, it is necessary to be exposed to a lot more information about the beauty educational institutions and expanded curriculums of reeducation.
Key words: Beauty, Educational Institution, First Education, Reeducation, Utilization
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