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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(1); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(1): 1-6.
미세염증제어를 통한 비만예방 식사요법
The effective Diet for Obesity through Preventing Silent Inflammation
Jae-Kyung No
Obesity causes significantly decrease in quality of life, not only by contributing to development of many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, but also by leading to various side effects including low self-esteem and psychological depression. This worldwide prevalence of obesity has been requiring extensive studies on effective prevention and treatments of the diseases. Insulin tolerance is well known as an origin of abdominal obesity, which is one of the leading causes of adult diseases. Reports on dangers and health risks associated with the diseases have increased exponentially. Here we discuss metabolic syndrome caused by obesity, focusing on treatment in order to suppress the inflammation. Moreover, we suggest effective diets for silent inflammation. Therefore, this review provides that anti-inflammatory benefits of calorie restriction and higher dietary intake of omega-3 compared with omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids may modulate the inflammatory processes and decrease death risk.
Key words: Abdominal obesity, Insulin tolerance, Silent inflammation, Metabolic syndrome, Diet
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