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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(2); 2011 > Article
고주파와 진공감압 및 범이론적 모형을 적용한 복합비만관리 프로그램이 복부비만에 미치는 영향
김호용, 배현숙
Impact of a compound obesity treatment program using high frequency, vacuum suction and a trans-theoretical model on abdominal obesity
Ho-Yong Kim, Hyeon-Suk Bae
This research is aimed to study impact of a multi complex machine treatment and nutritional education to women with central obesity on their body composition and dietary habits. In addition, the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a weight control program using the 4 components of the trans-theoretical model ― a phase of behavioral changes, a process of behavioral changes, self-efficacy and decisional balance. We divided research subjects into 2 groups: a group which underwent the machine treatment and nutritional education (Education High Frequency and Suction Machine Group, hereinafter referred to as the group EHSM) and a group which underwent only the machine treatment (High Frequency and Suction Machine Group, hereinafter referred to as the group HSM). Both the two groups received the multi complex machine program using high frequency, vacuum suction and thermotherapy for 55 minutes twice a week. The group EHSM additionally underwent the nutritional education using the process of behavioral changes of the trans-theoretical model. After the 6-week abdominal obesity treatment, the both groups showed a significant decline in their body composition and energy intake (*p<.05,**p<.01,***p<.001), and for self-efficacy and decisional balance, the group EHSM showed a change in the more positive direction than the group HSM. Therefore, we concluded that the combination of abdominal obesity treatment program and the systematic nutritional education for improving eating habits was more effective in the program's reproducibility and weight control than carrying out just the machine therapy.
Key words: Trans theoretical model, Abdominal obesity, Dietary behavior & Self efficacy, High frequency, Vacuum decompression
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