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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 10(4); 2012 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2012;10(4): 969-977.
하이힐에 의해 유발된 하지부종 특성과 림프마사지(MLD)의 부종 완화효과
이은우, 박경희, 류희욱
Characteristics of the Leg Edema Caused by Wearing High Heels and Calming Effect of Manual Lymph Drainage On the Edema
Eun-Woo Lee, Kyung-Hee Park, Hee-Wook Ryu
In this study, characteristics of leg edema that occurs when wearing high heels higher than 10 cm was investigated, and the calming effect of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and rest on the leg edema were evaluated. After wearing the heels for 1h, edema index were increased to 5.3~6.7% and girths of the legs were increased to 1.0~2.3% (2.5~5.2 mm) at all positions. The results, ranked in ascending order with the degree of swelling, are as follows: ankle (2.3%), instep (1.5%), and calves (1.2%). In the control group, taking a rest for 1h, girths of the swollen legs was reduced from 1.0~2.3% to 0.6~1.6%, but there was very little changes in edema index. On the other hand, in the MLD group, girths of the legs swelled were significantly reduced to 0.1~0.8% compared with those before wearing the heels. Also, the visual analogue scale for edema and edema index were restored to the state it was in ever before edema induction. MLD took effect immediately. It means that MLD is one of the most promising therapies for relief of leg swelling caused by the wearing of high heels or the for periods of time.
Key words: Leg edema, Manual lymph drainage, High heels, Edema index, Visual analogue scale
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