한국과 영국의 피부미용학사학위 교과과정 비교연구 |
송지혜, 김금란 |
A comparsion between beauty therapy the curriculum focus on Korean and the UK's Bachelor degree course |
Ji-Hye Song, Kum-Lan Kim |
Recently, beauty therapy’s education value is rapidly increasing in Korea. It includes Foundation,
Bachelor, Master and Ph. D courses. However, the curriculum differs depending on the level.
This study aims at suggesting the fundamental data in establishing the academic identity of beauty
therapy by comparing the curricula between Korea and the UK. This data collected via the university
website and the catalogs, therefore it may limitation of study.
In the Korean education system, beauty therapy at college level gives students the basic skills.
Whilst there are many similarities between college and degree level students, at degree level, students
build on their basic skills by learning in depth methods as well as the theories. Many further
education institutes offer a variety of course names however fundamentally they all have the same
curriculum regardless of the title.
In the UK, beauty therapy has fixed levels ranging from 1-6 (levels 5-6 are higher education).
British students have the opportunity to study both business and marketing, as this is a main focus
of their education.
Below level 4 is further education, which includes all qualifications below degree level – often including
more choice and more practical subjects. But each British colleges use different curriculum
depends on what is the course’s title.
In this analysis of the South Korean and the UK curriculum of beauty therapy I hope that it will
positively effect new curriculums in Korea. |
Key words:
Beauty therapy, Curriculum, Bachelor’s degree course |