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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 9(3); 2011 > Article
치크 색상과 아이 쉐도우 색상 조화감에 대한 연구
홍수경, 김민경
A Study on Reactions Regarding the Sense of Harmony Relative to Eye-shadow colors and Cheek colors.
Su-Kyung Hong, Min-Kyung Kim
The purpose of this study is to review the level of harmony according to changes in eye-shadow color, cheek color and their tones and to discover clues to the harmony of make-up colors affecting the perception of the sense of harmony. We research this theme making experiment of women's college 20-23 aged students. Then, we made the study by changing the tones of eye-shadow colors involving Yellow-red, blue and purple all of which are employ as stimulants and researched the tones changed into vivid, light, dull, and pale respectively. It is found that Red cheek color with pale tone is best matched to Yellow-red eye-shadow color with light and pale tone. Also, Pale tone yellow-red cheek color best matches Pale tone and Light tone Yellow-red eye-shadow colors are good harmony Therefore make up by using the same hue is more harmonious than using contrast hue.
Key words: Cheek color, Eye-shadow color, Tone, color harmony
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