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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 3(1); 2005 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2005;3(1): 119-124.
MLD(manual lymph drainage)의 stationary circles technique의 방향과 속도에 따른 안면관리 효과에 대한 연구
A Study of the effect on facial treatment according to direction and tempo of the MLD(manual lymph drainage) stationary circles technique
Young-Sook Han
This study was a research to find out the effect difference between tempo and direction of Vodder's MLD (manual lymph drainage) stationary circles technique on facial treatment. It was reported that MLD was especially effect on facial edema, acne, sensitive skin, allergy, panniculopathia (cellulite), prevention of stretch mark, scars, kelloids, rosacea, facial erythrosis, stress relief, and so on. It was reported that the effect difference of MLD depended on pressure, direction, and tempo. In result, the tempo of 30 times per 60 sec. and the direction of same flow with lymph flow for Vodder's MLD (manual lymph drainage) stationary circles technique on facial treatment was the most effective.
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