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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(3); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(3): 593-599.
샴푸제 사용에 의한 모질 개선 효과
The Hair Texture Improvement Effect of Using Shampoos
Ju-Sub Kim
This paper conducted a study as to how damaged hair quality was Improved not only by washing effect with a produced shampoo but also by measuring tensile strength, contents of amino acid and absorbance of hair washed with a shampoo produced by amino acid. The result of absorbance analysis indicated that the shampoo improved the level of damages on hair as its measurement value was lower than a plain shampoo. As analysis of amino content, the hair damage was reported to be improved as the content of amino acid on hair painted with the shampoo was a little increased. As the result of tensile strength test, hair damage was reported to be improved as tensile strength was improved when hair was washed with a shampoo. From the results mentioned above, when people’s hair was washed with a shampoo whose main ingredient was amino acid, it’s proved that there was an effect for improving damaged hair caused by dyeing and bleaching operation. As a shampoo made of amino acid could be produced and used for experts in hair shops, its commercialization value was believed to high.
Key words: Shampoos, Hair, Improvement, Texture, Cuticle
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