Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(3): 263-273. |
샌달우드 오일의 항산화 및 항염증에 관한 효과 |
윤미영, 방민정, 진정화, 정광조 |
The Effect of Anti-oxidative and Anti-inflammatory Functional in SanDalWood oil
Mi-Young Yun, Min-Cheong Bang, Chin Chung-Hwa, Cheong Kwang -Jo |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the anti-oxidant activities and anti-inflammatory activities of SanDalWood oil by experimental methods. We caused the acute oxidant symptom by the injection of AAPH into the mouses's abdominal cavity, and then applied the aroma SDWD oil inhalation, and finally, we measured the change of blood ingredient and the resistance against the activated oxygen of the red blood cell membrane. 1. The number of white blood cell and red blood cell was remarkably decreased in all handling groups of SDWD oil comparing with the control group and the number of red blood cell was meaningfully decreased in the 10% - handling group of SDWD oil comparing with the contrast group, and the pletelet did not showed the meaningful change. 2. The Albumin and the uric acid were meaningfully increased in all handling groups of SDWD oil as against the contrast group and the total billirubin did not showed the meaningful change. 3. Glucose, LDL cholesterol, BUN, and triglyceride(TG) were meaningfully decreased in all handling groups of SDWD oil in comparison with the contrast group and the total cholesterol did not showed the meaningful change. 4.IL-1β and IFN-γ among producing the cytokine inside the plasma was meaningfully dwindled in the 20% - handling group of SDWD oil comparing with the contrast group.
Key words:
SDWD oil, Anti-oxidant activities, Anti-inflammatory activities