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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 7(4); 2009 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2009;7(4): 111-125.
안면 피부관리와 항산화 비타민 섭취의 피부건강 상태 변화
김설미, 김은화
Changes in the skin health conditions by facial skin care and antioxidant vitamins
Seol-Mi Kim, Eun-Hwa Kim
This study was conducted to comparatively examine the influence of facial skin care and combined use of facial skin care and antioxidant vitamins on the skin health indexes. 30 women in 30s~40s, who are faced with accelerated skin aging and want to receive skin care most, participated in the study. The 30 participants were grouped into A, B, and C, 10 people for each group, and then, their skin health indexes were measured. A group received facial skin care and B group received facial skin care and took vitamin C (1,000mg/day). C group received facial skin care and took vitamin C (1,000mg/day) and vitamin E (1,000IU/day) together. Except for 1 person of A group who was left out in the middle, the results of a total of 29 participants were used. The experiment was carried out for 8 weeks from June 29, 2009 to July 27, 2009, and the skin was measured three times: before the facial skin care was given in the first week of the experiment; after the facial skin care was given in the 4th week; and after the facial skin care was given in the 8th week. Using MPA5 580 (Courage&Khazaka, Germany), this research measured the skin health indexes of moisture, oil, melanin, and erythema. This paper compared the average changes in the skin conditions among groups. In relation to the secondary moisture quantity of cheeks, there were differences among groups. C group had the most moisture (73.27), while B group had the least moisture (61.70) (p<0.05). However, regarding other indexes, the differences were not significant. However, in relation to the skin health indexes of three groups, moisture and oil went up after 8-week care, and melanin and erythema went down so significant differences before and after the experiment were found. This experiment shows that the facial skin care has positive influence on the skin health conditions rather than the kind of antioxidant vitamins or the combined use of them.
Key words: Facial skin care, Skin health, Antioxidant vitamin, Skin moisture, Melanin, Erythema
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