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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 8(3); 2010 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2010;8(3): 175-190.
웰빙 라이프스타일이 자연주의 화장품의 지각된 가치와 구매의도에 미치는 영향
오만호, 박현정, 이상환, 박수용
The Effect of Well-being Lifestyle on Perceived Value and Purchase Intention of Naturalistic Cosmetics
Mahn-Ho Oh, Hyun-Jung Park, Sang-Hwan Lee, Su-Yong Park
With the focus on health and the nature based on theoretical bases, the effect of well-being lifestyle that was introduced by the wellness trends on the perceived value of naturalistic cosmetics was examined and the effect of perceived value of naturalistic cosmetics on purchase intention was studied as well. The well-being lifestyle was divided into positive sports/hobby activities, healthy diet, recycling activities, interest in welfare of senior citizens, interest in aging, and interest in fashion/appearance. The research model was suggested for the relationship between the well-being lifestyle and the perceived value and purchase intention of naturalistic cosmetics. The data was collected through the questionnaire survey which was conducted on persons in their twenties, thirties and forties who had high use and frequent purchase of cosmetics. A total of 315 persons responded to the survey. The positive research findings are summarized as below. First, as a result of examining the relationship between well-being lifestyle and the perceived value of naturalistic cosmetics, the interests in healthy diet, recycling activities, interest in aging, and interest in fashion/appearance had positive effects on the perceived value. That means those who pursued healthy diet, put into practice recycling activities and had high interest in aging and fashion/appearance placed high value on the perceived value of naturalistic cosmetics. Second, as a result of studying the relationship between the perceived value and the purchase intention of naturalistic cosmetics, it turned out that the perceived value had positive effects on the purchase intention of naturalistic cosmetics. That is, the higher value placed on the perceived value of naturalistic cosmetics resulted in stronger purchase intention.
Key words: Well-being lifestyle, Naturalistic cosmetics, Perceived value, Purchase intention
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