신체만족도에 따른 헤어스타일 행동에 관한 연구 -서울소재 대학교의 미용전공 여대생을 중심으로- |
김진아, 김선아, 김성남 |
A Study on Hair Style Behavior to Body Cathexis of Female College Student
Jin-A Kim, Sun Ah Kim, Sung-Nam Kim |
Lately visual factor is getting important as a result of development of mess media and skinny body of entertainer is regarded as ideal body for women. Therefore this study is going to show about behavior of hair style according to satisfaction of body. This study used a self-administered questionnaires were Questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed of 3 factors. Data analysis methods used in the Frequency analysis, Reliability Analysis, regression analysis. Body satisfaction was influenced by the attitude of hair style(type of imitation, type of pusilanimity, type of pessimism). Partially influenced the type of interest and Did not affect the type of care. In conclusion, this study on the hair style attitude of physical satisfaction, the results were affected..In a subsequent study with a major in college students and the college of beauty if you look different than the specific results that are thought to be able to identify.
Key words:
Hair style, Satisfaction of body, Beauty Major, attitude of hair style, Female Students