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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(4); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(4): 611-616.
네일 기술의 중요성과 경향 분석
Importance of the Nail Skill and Analysis of its Trend
Jung-Min Ko
Women’s endless anxiety that pursues beauty leads the nail industry to be improved and life-quality of women to be raised, which expands to influence on the nail skill. As the result, the nail skill becomes an external expression and then becomes a management or correction for nails, as well as becomes an psychological treatment so that the nail industry is being improved rapidly. With the rapid growth of the nail industry, the nail skill can be had a deep relationship with women’s daily life and can be catched on with trend, which helps lead women to realize importance and necessity of the nail skill. It is the time that requires for women to learn rightly the nail skill that allows them to represent effectively. This research is so studied as to help your comprehending of the nail skill through constructing relative theory with general classification, and as to contribute to setting identification of the skill. Performing infinite endeavor to acquire well-trained skill needs to be done, because the nail skill will apply into an organ of the human body and breath a new life into the fingertips and tiptoes. To please women’s demand that becomes complicated, it must be performed to dedicate to development in the nail industry and acquirement of faithful skills in a such way that adds expert knowledge and information into the nail skill. It is tried to approach to the nail skills with academic perspective. Giving quality improvement for the nail skill and theoretical data for further studies are the intention of this approach.
Key words: Nail art, Care skill, Repair skill, Extension skill, Art skill
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