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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(4); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(4): 631-640.
미용대학 계약학과 운영의 문제점 및 개선방향
남향숙, 이주연
A Study on Managing Problems for Beauty Contract Departments to have and on the Directions for them to Progress
Hyang suk Nam, Ju Yeon Lee
Contract departments are the ones in specific fields that educational organizations -junior colleges and senior colleges - have established under a mutual agreement with the government, municipal organizations, and corporations. The purpose of these departments is to cultivate corporate-customized personnel. Diverse beauty organizations, including undergraduate schools, postgraduate ones, institutes and academies, have founded these innovative departments and have carried out more systematic and subdivided curricula so as to foster talented human resources. However, some problems have arisen, unlike the original purpose of the foundation. Students’ job satisfaction and dissatisfaction concerning contract departments(reeducating form) of beauty school located in Seoul and Gyunggi province are as follows: the majority of the students surveyed are satisfied with the system where they can study and work simultaneously, which they think could also give them unbearable physical stress at intervals. Additionally, they are skeptical about the system designed to relieve the burden of tuition fee. In addition to it, they have to endure personal contempt because they have no alternative but to stay at their first company until they graduate from college. To make matters worse, they ought to confront the working conditions which are different from those of what they were told before and some of the students have ever gotten paid later than the pay day or even haven’t got paid for more than a month. With these mentioned above in mind, I would like to suggest some solutions for the activation of contract departments in beauty college. First, the colleges concerned are required to give undergraduates multiple options for their job by contacting a wide variety of businesses. Second, students should be given at least one chance to change firms as well as they should be allowed to take one term off from school. Third, it is desirable that a regular evaluation system on the firms that hire the students should be introduced. Last but not least, it is imperative that school curriculum should be diversified for the more practical and on-the-spot skills through reciprocal consent between the related business and undergraduates. Contract departments, which are an innovative paradigm, will open a new chapter, by utilizing this system, in the rapidly changing circumstances.
Key words: Contract departments, Reeducating form, Corporate-customized personnel
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