Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(5): 975-981. |
천연물 유래 오일이 건강이 저하된 여성노인의 피부수분 함량에 미치는 영향 및 만족도 |
김혜옥 |
The Satisfaction and Effect of Oils Derived From Natural Plants on Skin Moisture of Female Group with Old and Poor Healthy Conditions
Hae Ok Kim |
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of oils derived from natural plants such as red ginseng, jojoba, avocado on skin of female group with poor healthy conditions. The mist containing oils from natural plants were treated to the 48 female with old and poor healthy conditions in 3 hospitals at C, K and P cities. The subjects were divided into 4 groups; control(10 individuals), red-ginseng oil(16 individuals), jojoba oil(13 individuals), and avocado oil(9 individuals) treated-groups. Before experiment, survey a questionnaire and measurement of moisture level on target skin were made. Mists contained 3 types of oil and 1 type of oil free were applied to same skin areas, both elbows and heels, at 2 times, in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. Only the moisture level on target skin areas was measured at day 7 after experiment. However, survey of a questionnaire about satisfaction was made after use of oil contained mists and moisture level of same skin areas was measured together at day 14 after experiment. The results showed that the moisture level of both elbows got significant increase statistically at 1 week later of experiment, but it had same result on both heels at 2 weeks later. After experiment, the level of satisfaction on their own skin was statistically significant increased about improvement of dry skin, being functionality, and helping on skin troubles. Conclusively oils derived from natural plants had improving effect on dry skin. Further, study would be considered with old women in healthy conditions.
Key words:
Red ginseng oil, Jojoba oil, Avocado oil, Skin moisture, Old female