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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(6); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(6): 1033-1041.
미용사 국가기술자격제도 법제화의 개선 방안
임은화, 황지영, 김현정
Legislation Improvement Measures for National Technical Qualifications for Cosmetology
Eun Hwa Lim, Ji Young Hwang, Hyun-Jung Kim
This study is aimed at presenting measures for improving future legislation on national technical qualifications for Cosmetology. To accomplish the objective, current laws on Cosmetology, the problems and alternatives have been explored. Specifically, this study has examined Korea’s Cosmetology-related laws, which are Public Health Control Act, National Technical Qualifications Act, and Basic Qualifications Act. Also, the scale of Korea’s beauty industry and the status of relevant education and national technical qualification examinations were analyzed. Based on the findings, the following alternatives are suggested. 1) establishing national technical qualifications on Cosmetology specialists; clearly subdividing Cosmetology license categories into ‘comprehensive,’ ‘hair,’ ‘esthetic,’ ‘make-up’ and ‘nail-care.’ 2) establishing qualifications testing program to boost the reliability and validity of related licenses and qualifications; setting eligibility for participants of preliminary education on national technical qualification examinations; setting grades for professionals and related business owners 3) establishing a national technical qualification testing advisory body to engage in the following: continuous testing and improvement of the feasibility, rationality, and actual usability of national technical qualification examinations.
Key words: National Technical Qualifications, Cosmetology, Legislation
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