Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(4): 517-523. |
미용 전공과 비전공 여대생에 따른 메이크업 인식차이 비교 |
홍수경, 김민경 |
The Comparative Study of Recognition Difference Between Beauty Major and Non-Beauty Major University Students
Su-Kyung Hong, Min-Kyung Kim |
Women in contemporary society are eager to get better reputation from themselves and other people through their beautiful image. Being caused by their desire, the various ways of image making have been developed. The Technique of make up has been typically situated for building good feeling image. They utilize the makeup for being beautiful. This tool is recognized not only as exterior expression but also as psychological satisfaction. But the wrong recognition of makeup is likely to result in the directly opposed effect. In this study, we compare and analyze the groups of Beauty maior and Non-Beauty major University Students. We arrive at significant output in the makeup recognition, process of acquiring information, reaction to media, favored make up style, makeup material, color favorite and etc. We propose the model of applying technique and material for building good feeling image to demonstrate the makeup in the future. We hope that the contribution of this study should be the basic reference of beauty industry trend and image making. |
Key words:
Beauty maior University Students, Non-Beauty major University Students, Recognition