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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(5); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(5): 663-668.
아로니아(Aronia melancocarpa) 추출물을 이용한 모발의 염색 특성
김주영, 박철호
Hair Dyeing Properties Using Extracts of Aronia melancocarpa
Ju-Young Kim, Chul-Ho Park
The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of anthocyanin pigments of Aronia. In order to achieve this purpose, anthocyanin concentration was analyzed by measuring absorbency from anthocyanin 520 nm of Aronia and color changes were observed according to changes in temperature and pH through color measurement. Unmordanted Hair dyeing was increased in dye intake (K/S) with increased dyeing temperature (20°C~60°C) and hair color was changed from red to purple. With increased pH, a* value proceeded from +(red) to -(green) or a color meter was reacted to yellow of original bleached hair and In the alkalic status, red brown or red green or a yellow green was shown because of reddish brown deposits and discolored original color of anthocyanin mordant. It brought about poor dye intake and dyeing or mordanting effects were lost. It suggested that anthocyanin mordants were specially sensitive to pH and dye intake was rapidly decreased with increased pH. For hair dyeing, mordanting methods (pre-mordanting, simultaneous mordanting, or post-mordanting) should be selected in consideration of the characteristics of mordants (dye intake, lightless, chroma and color). Based only dye intake (K/S), while pre-mordanting was effective for FeSO4, MnSO4, AlK(SO4)2, CH3COOH, CaCO3, Na2CO3, simultaneous mordanting was effective for CuSO4, Co(NO3)2. Accordingly, it is considered that Aronia is very useful and effective as a natural colorant.
Key words: Aronia, Dyeing, Anthocyanin, Mordant, Unmordant
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