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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(5); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(5): 669-675.
자기의식과 자기검색이 피부관리태도, 피부관리규범, 피부관리행동 통제에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Self-consciousness and Self-monitoring on Their Skincare Attitude, Skincare Subjective Norm, Skincare Perceived Behavioral Control
Ji-Young Lee
The purpose of this study is to find the levels of self-consciousness, self-monitoring and skincare Attitude, Subjective Norm, skincare Perceived Behavioral Control of woman and to analyze the relationship between the levels of self-consciousness, self-monitoring and skincare Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control in an effort to strengthen external human beauty. The respondents were 538 women about 20-40 age attending in Korea, Chung-Cheong Province. In this study, a questionnaire method was used. The questionnaire consisted of SCS (self-consciousness scale), SMS (self-monitoring scale), and a measurement of the skincare Attitude, Subjective Norm, skincare Perceived Behavioral Control. Factorial analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis were carried out with SPSS 18.0. As a result of positive related to the skincare Attitude, Subjective Norm, skincare Perceived Behavioral Control was found to self-consciousness and self-monitoring. The personal self-consciousness was found that the best important to skincare behavior. Determining the correlations between self-consciousness, selfmonitoring and the skincare Attitude, Subjective Norm, skincare Perceived Behavioral Control was useful in understanding the personal peculiarity of the skincare behavior. Moreover, in the cosmetic industry, it is likely meaningful to investigate the capability whether the variables of self-consciousness and self-monitoring can be applied in an effort to understand consumers’ internal character.
Key words: Skincare Attitude, Skincare Subjective Norm, Skincare Perceived Behavioral Control, Self-consciousness, Self-monitoring
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