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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(4); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(4): 543-550.
소비자의 인식에 따른 UV Gel 네일 선호도에 관한 연구
윤진숙, 정연자
A Study on Preference of UV-gel Nail by Consumer Perception
Jin-sook Yoon, Yeon-Ja Jung
As more people start to see nail art as a field of beauty industry, there has been a rising interest in nail care and nail products which keep the nails more beautiful and attractive. In a type of nail care, the UV gel nail is superior in terms of sustainability and transparency. Because of harmless, environment -friendly properties, this type can meet consumers’ needs by analyzing their perception. However, it’s hard to find a study on this matter. In this study, a questionnaire survey comprised of the questions about the effects of UV gel nail care characteristics (ex:Sustainability, gloss, durability, quickness, environment- friendliness, etc.) on the preference of the nail care method was conducted against women who have experienced UV gel nail care. The study results found the followings: In terms of the items having a positive effect on consumers’, preference, ‘sustainability’, ‘gloss’, ‘quickness’ and ‘environment-friendliness’ were observed. In durability, nails became thinner and damaged, having a negative effect on the preference. It appears that the said results would be available as basic data for the achievement of customer satisfaction and further growth and development of nail care industry by providing the ground for the development of products which meet customer needs and establishment of competitive market through the better understanding and continued studies of consumers’ perception on the UV gel nail care.
Key words: Nail Care, UV Gel Nail, Nail Art, Nail Care Preference
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