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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 13(5); 2015 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(5): 579-585.
방진복착의자의 탈모현황 및 탈모원인에 관한 연구 : 20-30대 직장인을 중심으로
A Study of Situation and of Factors Alopecia Amongst Workers in Clean Room Environments : Focusing on 20s to 30s Workers at Industry
Eun-Hee Yoo
Alopecia negatively effects on normal social life and human relationship in modern society which focuses on physical appearance. This study understands actual condition of alopecia workers who are 20-30years old and exposed to particular environment wearing dust-free garment. It finds out the effect of wearing the dust-free garment on alopecia. Accordingly 80 workers, the garment wearers were subjected in question and diagnosis investigation. As a result, 61.3% of the garment wearer was in hair loss. The primary reason was wearing of dust free garment. Early stage of alopecia was 81.6% in their twenties. 46.9% showed early stage of the alopecia after 1 year of wearing the dust-free garment. 26.5% showed alopecia after 3 years. It reflects that the alopecia was induced within 3 years after wearing the garment. The cause of alopecia was inquired into change of body temperature due to wearing of the dust-free garment. 62.3% of alopecia patient had high temperature and 61.5% had highest humidity on their parietal region. The fact that temperature of parietal region will effect on hair loss already has proven case and elevation of humidity effects on alopecia since it provides good environment to become sensitive scalp condition and proliferate bacteria. The researchers could confirm that stress from change of body temperature (in other words, elevation of temperature and humidity of parietal region) and closed construction manifested major cause of alopecia. There is no specific mechanism of alopecia since it is too complicated and various. The researchers see that abnormality of endocrine system and external environmental factors worked together. Therefore, it is hard to say that wearing the dust-free garment is the only reason of alopecia, but it gives significant effects on it. From now on we need constant study to improve prevention of alopecia for workers in important industry.
Key words: Alopecia, Dust-free garment, Temperature of parietal region
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