Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2015;13(5): 645-654. |
미용대학의 계약학과 교육 품질 서비스가 산업체의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 |
이주연, 하홍열 |
The Effects of Education Quality Services in Contract Colleges on Their Related Businesses’ Performance
Ju Yeon Lee, Hong-Youl Ha |
The aim of this study is to find out the influences of education quality services of contract departments on the related businesses under industrial and educational cooperation and then to suggest a right direction to reconsider for those colleges’ education quality services. Firstly, according to the analyzed results of satisfaction to contract departments’ education quality services for related businesses, among 11 survey questions to do with education quality services, especially to the question ‘Foreign language education is being carried out that can be applied in the industries.’, the businesses surveyed show little satisfaction with the contract departments’ language education. Besides, the results of analysis of the effects of contract departments’ educational quality service on the related businesses’ management performance show that contentment of contract departments’ educational quality service is interrelated with the performance of related businesses, and so the higher the businesses’ satisfaction is, the better their management performances are. Thus, related universities, first of all, should give to working students a wide variety of opportunities to build up practical linguistic skills including English as well as Chinese and Japanese. Another important thing is that by closely interacting and discussing with beauty-related businesses, they should come up with and develop programs that can be utilized in the real working environments and diversify and professionalize theories of products, and education of practical training so that they should reduce the burden of students as much as possible who have to be educated about the same subjects through meaningless repetition not merely in the contract department but also in the workplace. |
Key words:
Education quality services, Contract departments, Businesses’ performance