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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 11(2); 2013 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2013;11(2): 213-217.
탈색제의 메타규산나트륨 농도에 따른 모발 탈색력 변화에 관한 연구
김세연, 윤영민
A Study on Bleaching by Concentration of Sodium Metasilicate in Bleaching Agent
Se-Yeon Kim, Yeongmin Yoon
The purpose of this research is to find out how hair color turns when the bleaching agent 1 made of different concentration of sodium metasilicate is put on the hair. Specifically, we measured color-difference meter with spectrophotometer. The result is as follows. As the higher the concentration of sodium metasilicate is, the higher L* which shows brightness becomes. Also B* which shows color spectrum between yellow and blue has a tendency to be similar with L*. It is advisable to make sodium metasilicate with high concentration of 15% (S3) to get the vivid bleaching effect. It is recommendable to make sodium metasilicate with high concentration of 20% (S4) to get better bleaching effect than standard reagent (S). In conclusion, concentration of sodium metasilicate is a significant factor determining the degree of the bleaching agent.
Key words: Bleaching agent, Sodium metasilicate, Color-difference meter
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