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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 6(1); 2008 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2008;6(1): 43-58.
고주파 주파수변화에 따른 여성복부 비만관리의 효과
이미영, 오정숙
Effect of Women's Abdominal Obesity Management induced by Frequency Figure of High Frequency Instrument
Mi-young Lee, Jung-Sook Oh
The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of the high frequency based on the RET method to the waist management of the women. The subject of the study was 18 obese women (20~30 years old) with more than 30% of the body fat and dl 0.80 of the WHR (waist hip ratio), who are residing in Seoul and Gyunggi regions and not taking any medicine or medical treatment. The 18 subjects were divided into 2 groups. The 9 women in a group no. 1 received the waist management using the 0.5MH of high frequency 3 times a week for 4 weeks. One session of the waist management takes 20 minutes and consists of 10 times of repetition. The 9 women in a group no. 2 received the waist management using the 1 MHz of high frequency 3 times a week for 4 weeks. One session of the waist management takes 20 minutes and consists of 10 times of repetition. The variation of the serum lipid level was measured based on the weight, BMI, WHR, and the blood. The data of this study was analyzed using the Microsoft office excel 2003. There was no significant statistical difference except the waist size according to the results of the experimental study. The weight of the both groups was significantly decreased according to the results of the preliminary test and post hoc test. And the weight of the group no. 2 was decreased average 4.07±13.13kg more than that of group no. 2. The body fluid of the group no.2 decreased average 1.08±4.95L more than that of group no. 1. The BMI of the group no.2 decreased average 1.16±3.91kg/m2 more than that of group no. 1. The WHR of the group no.2 decreased average 2.62±7.37kg more than that of group no. 1. The body fat of the group no.2 decreased average 1.71±6.52% more than that of group no. 1. As a result of the experimental study, it was effective for the waist management of both groups. The 0.5 MHz high frequency was more effective for the management to reduce the body fat. On the other hand, 1 MHz high frequency is more effective than the 0.5 MHz high frequency for the body line management or weight management since 1 MHz has stronger heating effect than 0.5 MHz. There were certain limitations of the study such as the experiment period was no more than 4 weeks, and diet and active mass of the subjects which can affect the results of the study were not controlled. It is expected that the exterior factors that were not controlled by this study to be controlled for in-depth study and used as an effective resources for the waist management.
Key words: High frequency, abdominal obesity
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