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Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol > Volume 12(1); 2014 > Article
Kor J Aesthet Cosmetol 2014;12(1): 85-92.
대구·경북지역 여대생들의 피부건강 영향요인 분석
An Analysis of Influence Factor for Skin Health of College Women’s in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Area
Mi-Kyung Park
In this study, the skin of the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area health-related factors in female college students take a look at the factors that mediate skin to skin health impact of health behaviors survey was conducted to find out the following: First, for each factor for skin health survey, all three were out of the equation on the average is 1.86 behavior, skin conditions, satisfaction, self-efficacy scores were higher in the group of each factor was higher in skin health. For skin health behavior survey, an average of 2.13 out of 3-type behavior has been investigated, skin conditions, satisfaction, self-efficacy scores were higher in the group of each factor was higher in skin health. Second, skin health and health-related factors, examining the correlation between the results of action, selfefficacy, behavioral expressions, skin condition, the order of satisfaction showed a significant correlation. In other words, self-efficacy, behavioral expressions, skin conditions, skin health behavior and satisfaction were positively correlated. Third, the skin health status and health behavior factors affecting the skin and affect the results of multiple regression analysis, a skin condition satisfaction, self-efficacy is a significant skin health impact. Satisfaction with skin conditions skin health behaviors, self-efficacy, sense of beauty, skin health is a significant factor affecting respectively. Regression analysis also looks at interest in self-esteem and health behaviors were significantly affected skin. I think more than a subjective, as in skin health skin health behavior was less than the normal level, beyond what is usually the cause was investigated and the interval, which is quite negative about the health of their skin, and they can be recognized. In addition, self-efficacy for healthy skin, skin health behaviors, suggesting that the greatest effect on skin health factors than internal factors are more superficial skin health can lead to aggressive behavior is assumed. So for the next college student in education and health programs in the skin when the skin healthy internal human face, such as self-efficacy should be further considered to be highlighted.
Key words: Skin, Skin health, Skin health factors, Skin health behaviors
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