BSC와 델파이(Delphi)를 활용한 네일샵 경영의 핵심성과지표 개발 |
김선영 |
A Study on the Development of Key Performance Index for the Nail Salon Management with BSC and Delphi
Sun-Young Kim |
Nail service business should adapt itself to the change of service environment of the nail art trend and technique, which needs to examine the relation of the chief manager, employee and customer, so the business strategy of nail salon could be formed by establishing detailed planning strategy and performance measurement index. For the management of nail salon, the performance measurement index that can assess the financial performance, customer satisfaction measurement , technical and educational standard, etc. should be developed to evaluate the intangible performance like service and satisfaction level in addition to the typical performance. Currently, the study on the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for improving the performance of nail salon management is insufficient at the site of beauty business as well as in the academic world. In this study, the evaluation index for nail salon management to enhance the competitiveness and value of beauty treatment industry was developed by reflecting the reality of nail business. So, KPI of nail salon management was drawn by 3 round-delphi with BSC (Balanced Scored Card) as follows. First, in the finance perspective ‘personnel expenses’, ‘cost ratio’, ‘operating profit ratio’, ‘total sales’, ‘sales growth rate’and ‘total capital investment efficiency’ were adopted. Second, in the customer perspective ‘service improvement’, ‘new customers secure’, ‘service quality’, ‘service speed’, ‘customers DB’, ‘regular customers keeping rate’ and ‘customer satisfaction rate’ were adopted. Third, in the inter process perspective ‘business manual application’, ‘membership price grade’, ‘brand image’, ‘staff productivity ratio’, ‘manual maintenance’ and ‘product & service development’ were adopted. Finally, the learning and growth perspective ‘staff satisfaction’, ‘staff development’, ‘educational level and rotation time’, ‘appropriate reward system’, ‘benefits level’ and ‘vision share’ were adopted. |
Key words:
Nail salon, Nail service, Key performance index, Management assessment, Delphi